Lesson series

Why She Buys What She Buys 

There are a number of different flooring buyer types.
But they all have the same wants and needs in common.


What's included?

  • 7 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 340 Questions
  • 25 Video
  • 32 PDF

Aesthetic, Performance, Value

All flooring buyers have the same needs, but their wants are all prioritized differently. Discover the hierarchy of flooring buyer needs so that you can sell the way she buys.


Your shopper may not be able to tell you her buying priorities because they don't shop for flooring that frequently. That's where the retail flooring sales professional can help.

Course Chapters

Meet the instructor

William Schumann

Since 2007, I’ve been privileged to coach thousands of people, including visionaries, executives, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

My goal is to show every single one of my clients that they have the choice to live and lead with more ease, impact, joy, and freedom and stop going through life with a “have to” state of mind.
Patrick Jones - Course author